Messages pane

The Messages pane of the Toolbox lets you view status and error messages reported by Wincaps Q4.    



Messages are displayed in a scrolling list with the most recently reported message at the bottom.  There are four categories of messages:


Errors - Indicates that a serious problem has occurred that may prevent you from working normally, e.g. a file failed to open or a connection problem with the Main DataStore    

Warnings - Indicates that a less serious problem has occurred but that you should still be able to continue working

Informational messages - Status messages, normally used to indicate when an operation succeeds and in some places how long the operation took.

Timing rules messages - Diagnostic messages that describe in detail how the Timing Rules are applied whenever the Aligner runs or you do a timecode grab

Q4 retains the last 200 messages of all categories.


The buttons allow you to:

Clear messages - Clears the messages list

Copy to clipboard - Copies all messages to the clipboard.  The messages can then  be posted into a text document or email when reporting problems


Note that the messages pane is common to all open documents.

See Also:

Toolbox basics

Troubleshooting common problems